New in Flowla: Workflows, Revenue Intelligence 2.0, and More

Dilara Basaran
December 21, 2023
0 min read
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Flowla product updates December

Table of contents

We're not Santa's elves, but we've been working really hard to bring you one more batch of product updates right in time for the holidays!

This time, we're happy to introduce some new automation features, more powerful reports, an editor that'll give you more flexibility, and more product updates.

So let's unwrap all of these goodies! 

Workflows [Beta]

Screenshot of the workflows feature

First and foremost, we’re excited to announce that the Workflows are now available in Beta. This is the very first step of an exciting journey toward complete flow automation in Flowla!

Need to have an NDA signed before your viewers can see the next steps? You can now make it happen with Workflows. Here’s how to do that:

  1. Make sure you have two adjacent stages
  2. Add some action items to the first one
  3. Set the visibility of the second stage as locked or hidden 

Click the lock or hidden icon 🔒, and check the box “make this stage visible when the previous stage is completed”.

When all action items for the first stage are completed, the second stage will automatically become visible to your viewers. 

Revenue Intelligence 2.0

We created a new ‘Reports’ page for a more focused experience. Think of this as a new and improved version of the previous ‘Dashboard’ page. ‘Reports’ is home to your organization’s overall activity summary, and it also unites the analytics for each and every flow you’ve created in one place.

Screenshot of the new Reports page

We’ve also created a few more reports, like content analytics, people engagements, and flow progresses, so you can have even more detailed information about everything that’s going on with your team, deals, and customers.

💡These additional reports can be unlocked by upgrading to the Team plan.

In addition to that, it is now easier to see meaningful flow activity at a glance for each visitor.  When you select a specific session from the ‘All sessions’ tab on insights and scroll down to ‘Breakdown’, you can apply some basic filters!

Screenshot showing how to se filters in the product

You can also see the full timeline of your deals with the ‘Timeline’ addition to flow insights. This will show you a chronological play-by-play view of each deal at a glance.

Do more with the editor

The next update is all about making flows your playground. We’re happy to introduce new features in the Flowla text editor 🎨

Create separate boxes of content, arrange them into multiple columns, and drag-and-drop to reorder them.

Changes to the editor feature

With the updated rich text editor, you can also:

  • Create tables in the editor
  • Attach files
  • Paste images right inside the boxes 
  • Have previews for your links

Our goal is to help you create custom pages that fit perfectly with your process and unique needs. So we hope you enjoy the new, more powerful, and flexible editor in Flowla. 

Create perfect flows in a flash ⚡️

Screenshot of the flow creation process improvements

With every update, we try to make our product easier and more convenient to use. So now, the flow creation experience has become a lot sleeker and more efficient.

New capabilities include:

  • Choose whether you will start from scratch, duplicate a flow, or use a template.
  • Preview the flow/template content in its entirety before creating it, by scrolling down on it.
  • Select your target company with a much better UI. ✨

Help visitors understand who’s who

Screenshot of the new contact management capabilities in the product

The digital sales room is all about recreating that in-person connection. With this latest update, we've made it a breeze for users to introduce people, establish social connections, and more.

As a flow creator, you can now edit the contact information of your flow visitors directly from the flow's contacts tab. This should help all involved parties know who’s who in the buying committee at a glance while also making the process more transparent and effective for all involved parties. 

This will allow everyone on your flows to have more context on who’s who, and make it easier to find relevant people and their contact information.

What else? 

  • A simpler navigation bar to make it a lot easier to find your way around the app! The new navbar contains just the essentials, and the ‘More’ tab we added opens up a mega menu where you can easily navigate to what you're looking for with a click.
The screenshot of the new navigation bar in the product
  • Flowla now supports SVG images on flows.
  • Microsoft sign-up is available on our sign-up/sign-in page.

Explore all these new changes by logging into your account. And feel free to contact us with any questions or suggestions!

Wishing you a joyous holiday season, from all of us at Flowla 💙

Here's to a wonderful year ahead 🥂

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