Manage your processes
on easy mode.

Turn complex processes into a single, actionable, collaborative flow.
See the entire journey at a glance, set deadlines, assign tasks,
and track progress effortlessly.


Confident customers, quicker actions

Your processes are dragging on and on? Clarity promotes action.

Visualize the entire process for your customers. Everyone knows exactly what they need to do, when.

Turn your entire flow into a living, collaborative workspace

Stages are not only the building blocks that organize your flows, but they can also each hold
relevant action items and materials to help your manage your processes more smoothly.
Here's how they work.

1. Break down your process into stages

From first touch to onboarding and beyond, define each individual stage in your process to organize everything neatly.

2. Define the actions

For each stage, add the tasks that need to be completed for that stage to be finalized.

You can then set due dates, add notes & links, and assign owners to each action item!

3. Add the resources

Stages also host the resources that will be needed during that stage.

Add these materials as individual steps under that stage.

4. Get everyone on
the same page.

After your MAP stages are complete, share it with all the stakeholders that will be involved.

They can see the entire process at a glance, and everyone can assign tasks to everyone else to manage the process with ease.


More accountability,
less drag.

See the upcoming tasks, blockages, overdue tasks & who needs to do what at a glance, and apply pressure wherever needed to keep things moving.

We send reminders to task owners via email & Slack about upcoming and past deadlines.


Track everything seamlessly.

Easily see how far along the processes are, and what needs to be done to move on to the next stage.

Always stay on top of your processes.

You are in excellent company

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a mutual action plan?

A mutual action plan, often referred to as a MAP, is a collaborative document outlining shared objectives, milestones, responsibilities, and timelines between parties involved in a project or sales process.

It fosters alignment, accountability, and transparency, ensuring all stakeholders are on the same page towards achieving common goals.

What are the different kinds of action plans?

Action plans can vary depending on the context and objectives but generally fall into several categories:

- Project Action Plans: Detailing tasks, timelines, and resources required to achieve project milestones.
- Sales Action Plans: Outlining steps and responsibilities for achieving sales targets and closing deals.
- Marketing Action Plans: Defining strategies and activities to achieve marketing goals such as lead generation and brand awareness.
- Customer Success Action Plans: Detailing activities and timelines for onboarding, support, and retention of customers.

What to include in a mutual action plan?

A comprehensive mutual action plan typically includes:

- Objectives: Clearly defined goals that all parties aim to achieve.
- Tasks and Responsibilities: Specific actions assigned to each party with clear deadlines.
- Timelines: Milestones and deadlines for each task to track progress.
- Resources: Tools, materials, or support needed to accomplish tasks.
- Communication Plan: Channels and frequency of communication to ensure ongoing collaboration and updates.

How to build a mutual action plan?

Building a mutual action plan involves several steps:

- Define Objectives: Clearly outline the goals and outcomes expected from the mutual action plan.
- Identify Tasks: Break down objectives into actionable tasks with specific responsibilities assigned to each party.
- Set Timelines: Establish realistic timelines and milestones for each task to ensure progress tracking.
- Allocate Resources: Determine the resources, tools, or support needed to execute tasks effectively.
- Agree on Communication: Establish a communication plan to keep all stakeholders informed and aligned throughout the process.

What are the benefits of using mutual action plans?

Mutual action plans offer several benefits, including:

- Alignment: Ensures all parties are aligned with shared goals and objectives.
- Accountability: Clearly defines responsibilities and deadlines, fostering accountability among team members.
- Transparency: Provides transparency into project progress and task ownership.
- Efficiency: Streamlines workflow and reduces ambiguity, leading to more efficient project execution.
- Collaboration: Promotes collaborative efforts and communication among stakeholders, enhancing overall teamwork and success.

What features should I look for in mutual action plan software?

When evaluating mutual action plan software, consider these essential features:

- Template Library: Pre-designed templates for various types of action plans (project, sales, marketing, etc.).
- Collaboration Tools: Real-time editing, commenting, and task assignment features to facilitate team collaboration.
- Task Management: Ability to assign tasks, set deadlines, and track progress within the action plan.
- Reporting and Analytics: Insights into task completion rates, milestone achievements, and overall project progress.
- Customization Options: Flexibility to tailor action plans to specific project needs and organizational requirements.
- Integration Capabilities: Seamless integration with other tools used in your workflow, enhancing overall productivity and data consistency.

Ready to speed up your processes?

Your first 5 flows are free. No credit cards, no commitments.

Photos of Erdem & Alper.

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